July 13, 2023

Product Tour vs. Video Recording (Which One is Right for Your Demo?)

In today’s digital age, where information and products are just a click away, businesses must find effective ways to showcase their offerings to potential customers. Two popular methods that companies often employ are product tours and video recordings. Both approaches aim to provide potential customers with a detailed overview of a product or service but differ in format and delivery. So, which one is right for your demo?

Product tours and video recordings serve the same purpose of demonstrating a product or service, but the way they do so varies significantly. A product tour is an interactive experience allowing users to navigate a virtual environment, exploring different features and functionalities. It allows potential customers to interact with the product, simulating the experience of using it in real life. Video recordings, on the other hand, are pre-recorded demonstrations that showcase the product or service through a video format. These recordings can be carefully scripted and edited to present the product in its best light.


When it comes to showcasing your product or giving a demo, there are different approaches you can take. Two popular options are a product tour and a video recording. Both methods have their benefits and can be effective in different scenarios. Understanding the differences between the two and weighing the pros and cons is essential to determine the right fit for showcasing your product or service.

A product tour typically involves a live demonstration of your product or service, led by a presenter who guides the audience through its features and functionalities. It can be done in person or remotely through video conferencing tools. On the other hand, a video recording involves creating a pre-recorded video that showcases your product or service without the need for a live presenter. This video can be shared on your website and social media platforms, or sent directly to potential customers.

While both methods give potential customers an overview of your product or service, they differ in several aspects. Considering these factors is important before choosing the right method for your demo.

Flexibility and Control

One of the main advantages of a product tour is its flexibility. With a live demo, you can adapt your presentation based on audience feedback and customize it to meet their needs. You can directly address questions, modify the flow, and provide real-time examples tailored to the audience’s interests. This level of flexibility allows you to create a more personalized experience and engage with potential customers more deeply.

In contrast, a video recording provides a more controlled environment. You have the opportunity to carefully plan and script your presentation, ensuring that each feature and benefit of your product is highlighted effectively. This method is particularly useful when you want to convey a specific message consistently to a large audience. However, it lacks the interactivity and adaptability of a live product tour.

Time and Accessibility

Another factor to consider is the time investment required for each method. A live product tour generally takes longer as it involves real-time interaction with the audience. Depending on your product’s or service’s complexity, this can range from a short 15-minute presentation to a more in-depth session lasting hours. Additionally, scheduling live product tours can be challenging, especially if you have a global customer base across different time zones.

On the other hand, a video recording allows potential customers to access the demo at their convenience, offering flexibility in terms of timing. It can be easily shared and viewed multiple times, allowing viewers to pause, rewind, or skip specific sections. This accessibility makes video recordings convenient for potential customers who may have different schedules or prefer self-guided exploration.

Effectiveness and Engagement

The effectiveness of a product tour versus a video recording depends on several factors, including your target audience and the nature of your product or service. A highly engaging live product tour enables direct interaction and personalized communication with potential customers. This level of engagement can build trust, answer specific questions, and address concerns in real time. It also lets you showcase your expertise and provide a more immersive experience.

On the contrary, a well-made video recording can also be highly effective in capturing attention and conveying your key messages. It allows for visual storytelling, utilizing high-quality visuals, animations, and demonstrations to showcase your product in action. Although it lacks the direct interaction of a live demo, a video recording can still engage viewers and deliver a compelling pitch, especially when combined with engaging narration or subtitles.

Deciding between a product tour and a video recording for your demo ultimately depends on your specific goals, target audience, and available resources. A live product tour provides flexibility, interactivity, and a personalized experience, while a video recording offers control, accessibility, and convenience. Consider your audience, the nature of your product or service, and the amount of time and resources you have available to determine which method will best showcase your offering and resonate with potential customers.

Key Differences

When deciding between a product tour or a video recording for your demo, there are several key differences to consider. Each option offers advantages and disadvantages, depending on your needs and goals. Here are the main distinctions between the two:

  1. Interactivity: Product tours offer a higher level of interactivity compared to video recordings. During a product tour, viewers can interact with the interface, click buttons, explore features, and even ask real-time questions through chat or live support. This level of interactivity allows for a more personalized experience and immediate feedback. On the other hand, video recordings are passive and don’t allow for user interaction. Viewers can only observe and take notes without the ability to test the product directly.
  2. Real-time demonstration: Product tours are live demonstrations that allow the presenter to showcase the product in real time. This can be particularly beneficial for complex or dynamic products where real-time interaction is crucial for understanding their functionality and value. Video recordings, on the other hand, are pre-recorded and lack the real-time aspect of a live demo. Although video recordings can still provide a detailed overview of the product, they may not showcase the latest updates or address specific questions from viewers.
  3. Flexibility and convenience: In terms of flexibility and convenience, video recordings have the upper hand. Recorded demos can be accessed anytime, allowing potential customers to watch them conveniently. This is especially helpful for individuals in different time zones or those with busy schedules. Additionally, video recordings can be easily shared and distributed across various platforms, making them accessible to a wider audience. Product tours, however, require scheduling and coordination between the presenter and viewers, which may not always be feasible or convenient.
  4. Personalization and customization: Product tours offer a higher level of personalization and customization compared to video recordings. In a product tour, the presenter can tailor the demonstration to the specific needs and interests of the audience, addressing their questions and concerns in real time. This personal touch can help foster a stronger connection between the audience and the product. Video recordings, on the other hand, are pre-defined and cannot address specific viewer queries or adapt the content on the fly.
  5. Engagement and audience interaction: Product tours promote engagement and audience interaction through live chat or Q&A sessions. This allows potential customers to ask questions, seek clarification, and engage in a more dynamic conversation. On the other hand, video recordings lack this direct engagement with the audience. While they may still include a comments section or contact information for viewers to reach out later, it doesn’t provide the same level of immediate interaction as a live product tour.

Overall, the choice between a product tour and a video recording depends on the specific requirements of your demo. If interactivity, real-time demonstration, and personalization are important for your product, a product tour may be the better option. However, if flexibility and convenience, wide accessibility, and a more passive viewing experience are your priorities, then a video recording could be the right choice.

Remember to align your decision with your target audience and their preferences. Some may prefer the engaging experience of a product tour, while others may value the convenience and flexibility offered by video recordings. Ultimately, it’s essential to evaluate your objectives, resources, and audience needs to determine the most effective approach for your demo.

Purpose and Scope

The purpose and scope of a product tour and a video recording aim to showcase a product or service to potential customers. However, they differ in their approach and the level of detail they provide. Understanding the purpose and scope of each can help businesses determine which method is more suitable for their demo needs.

A product tour is a guided walkthrough of a product or service, typically conducted by a company representative. It offers a comprehensive overview of the product’s functionalities, features, and benefits. The main goal of a product tour is to provide potential customers with a high-level understanding of the product’s capabilities and how it can address their needs.

Product tours are usually interactive and personalized, allowing real-time engagement between the presenter and the audience. This enables the presenter to answer questions, address specific concerns, and tailor the demonstration to the viewers’ specific needs. The interactive nature of a product tour allows for a more dynamic and engaging experience, fostering a sense of connection between the presenter and the audience.

On the other hand, video recordings provide a pre-recorded demonstration that can be accessed at any time and by anyone. The purpose of a video recording is to offer a convenient way for potential customers to learn about a product without requiring the presence of a representative. Video recordings are often used as a self-service resource that customers can access at their own convenience.

Also read: 11 Tips to Create Engaging Interactive Product Tours

Video recordings provide a more standardized and consistent demonstration experience. They allow potential customers to go through the demo at their own pace, pausing and rewinding as needed. Video recordings also eliminate time constraints, as customers can access them at any time, making them suitable for a global audience in different time zones.

The scope of a product tour is typically broader and more detailed compared to a video recording. Product tours often delve into specific features, use cases, and potential integration possibilities. They offer a deeper understanding of the product’s capabilities and how it can address specific pain points. Product tours are particularly valuable when dealing with complex or technical products that require a more in-depth explanation.

On the other hand, the scope of a video recording is usually more focused and streamlined. It aims to provide a concise product overview, highlighting the key features and benefits in a more condensed format. Video recordings are best suited for products with straightforward functionalities or for capturing potential customers’ attention in a brief time.

In summary, the purpose and scope of a product tour and a video recording differ in their level of interactivity, customization, convenience, and level of detail. Product tours offer a more personalized and dynamic experience, allowing for real-time engagement with potential customers. On the other hand, video recordings provide a convenient, standardized, and accessible way for customers to learn about a product at their own pace. Choosing between the two methods depends on the specific needs of the business and the nature of the product being showcased.

Audience Engagement

Audience engagement is crucial to delivering an effective demo or product tour. It involves capturing the attention of your viewers, keeping them engaged throughout the presentation, and encouraging them to interact and participate in the experience. By selecting the right method for your demo, whether a live product tour or a recorded video, you can enhance audience engagement and create a memorable experience for your viewers.

Live Product Tour

A live product tour offers a unique opportunity to engage with your audience in real time. It allows for immediate interaction and personalized communication, creating a sense of authenticity and urgency. The presenter can adapt the tour based on the audience’s reactions and feedback, making it a more interactive and dynamic experience.

Here are a few ways a live product tour can enhance audience engagement:

  1. Real-time Q&A: The presenter can address questions and concerns from the audience as they arise, providing instant clarification and fostering a sense of involvement.
  2. Personalized demonstrations: The presenter can tailor the tour to the specific needs and interests of the audience, showcasing features and functionalities that are most relevant to them. This personalized approach keeps the audience engaged and invested in the demo.
  3. Demonstration of use cases: Product tours in real-time offer an excellent chance to demonstrate how the product can be used in real-life scenarios. This helps the audience comprehend the product’s worth and advantages, thereby enhancing their engagement and interest.

If you're looking for an impactful way to demonstrate your product features, interactive product tours are highly effective. Using interactive demo software like Folio allows prospects to self-navigate through your product, pausing and re-watching as needed. Folio's tour builder lets you easily capture and customize your product screens, add annotations and guides to focus viewers' attention, and gain insights from viewer behaviors. Create an engaging, foolproof product tour with Folio - start your free trial today at

Recorded Video

A recorded video, on the other hand, offers a more flexible and convenient approach to delivering a demo. It allows viewers to access the content at their own pace and convenience. While it lacks the immediacy and interactivity of a live tour, a recorded video can still effectively engage the audience if executed well.

Here are a few ways a recorded video can enhance audience engagement:

  1. High-quality production: Investing in a well-produced video with professional editing and visuals can capture and maintain the attention of the audience. A visually appealing and well-paced video can keep viewers engaged throughout the entire presentation.
  2. Easily shareable: Recorded videos can be easily shared with a wider audience, allowing for increased reach and exposure. This can help generate interest and engagement among potential customers or stakeholders who may not have the opportunity to attend a live product tour.
  3. Repeatability and accessibility: Viewers can replay and revisit specific sections of the demo as needed, allowing for a more personalized and self-paced experience. This accessibility can enhance engagement, as users can engage with the content at their own convenience.

Choosing the Right Method for Your Demo

When deciding between a live product tour or a recorded video, it is important to consider your audience’s preferences, the nature of the product or service being demonstrated, and the level of interactivity desired.

A live product tour may be the better option if a personalized and interactive experience is crucial to your demo. It allows for immediate engagement, real-time feedback, and adaptability to the audience’s specific needs. On the other hand, if convenience, reach, and repeatability are the key factors, a recorded video can effectively engage the audience while providing flexibility in accessing the content.

Ultimately, the right method will depend on your specific goals, target audience, and resources. A well-executed live product tour or recorded video can both effectively engage your audience and showcase the value of your product or service.

Technical Considerations

When deciding between a product tour and a video recording for your demo, it is essential to consider certain technical aspects. These considerations can help you choose the right approach to meet your needs and ensure a seamless and effective demonstration of your product or service. Here are some key technical factors to keep in mind:

Accessibility and Compatibility

One crucial aspect to consider is the accessibility and compatibility of your demo. A product tour allows you to create an interactive experience that can be accessed easily through a web browser. This means your audience can access the tour from any device or platform, whether a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone. As a result, you can reach a broader audience and ensure that your demonstration is available to all.

On the other hand, video recordings provide a more passive viewing experience. While videos can be viewed on various devices, you must ensure that the video format is compatible with your audience’s devices and platforms. Consider the file format, resolution, and any potential compatibility issues.

Updates and Iterations

Consider how frequently your product or service undergoes updates and iterations. A product tour offers the advantage of being easily updatable. You can make changes and additions to the tour on the fly, ensuring that your demo always reflects the latest features and improvements. This flexibility allows you to keep your demo current and relevant, adapting to the evolving needs of your audience.

On the other hand, video recordings are static and require more effort to update. You will need to record a new video if there are any changes or updates to your product or service. This can be time-consuming and may delay showcasing new features or improvements. Consider whether frequent updates are vital to your demo strategy before deciding on the recording approach.

Interactivity and Engagement

Another crucial consideration is the level of interactivity and engagement you want to provide in your demo. A product tour enables interactive elements such as clickable buttons, hotspots, and tooltips, allowing your audience to explore your product or service at their own pace. This hands-on experience can help deepen understanding and engagement with your offering.

In contrast, video recordings offer a more passive viewing experience. While videos can engage in their own right, they lack the hands-on exploration and interactivity that a product tour provides. Consider whether your audience would benefit more from an interactive experience or if a video recording would suffice in conveying the key information.

Also read: How to Create a Highly Converting Product Demo

Bandwidth and Streaming

It’s important to consider bandwidth limitations and streaming capabilities when planning a product tour. In order to view the content, an internet connection is necessary. However, when the required bandwidth is generally low would load the content dynamically as users progress through the tour. This is particularly advantageous for users with slower internet connections or limited data plans.

Video recordings, on the other hand, often require streaming and buffering, which can be a challenge for users with limited bandwidth or unstable internet connections. Consider your audience’s bandwidth requirements and availability when deciding between a product tour and a video recording.

Personalized and Customized Experience

Consider whether a personalized and customized experience is essential for your demo. A product tour can offer each user the advantage of tailoring the experience. You can provide different paths or options based on the user’s interests or needs, allowing for a more personalized and targeted demonstration.

In contrast, video recordings offer a fixed experience that is the same for every viewer. While you can include different sections or chapters in your video, it may not provide the same level of personalization as a product tour. Assess whether customization and personalization are crucial requirements for your demo strategy.

Considering these technical factors will help you decide whether to opt for a product tour or a video recording for your demo. Assess your specific needs, audience preferences, and the goals of your demo to ensure that you choose the right approach that effectively showcases your product or service.

Benefits of a Product Tour

Both a product tour and a video recording can be effective tools when showcasing your product or service. However, there are several distinct benefits to using a product tour that make it a valuable choice for many businesses. Here are some of the key advantages of implementing a product tour strategy:

  1. Interactive Experience: One of the major benefits of a product tour is the interactive experience it provides to potential customers. Unlike a static video recording, a product tour allows users to actively engage with the features and functionalities of your product. This hands-on experience can significantly enhance their understanding and appreciation of your offering.
  2. Customization: A product tour offers the flexibility to tailor the demonstration to specific user needs. This customization is particularly valuable in industries where different customer segments have unique requirements or preferences. With a product tour, you can showcase the most relevant features to the target audience, ensuring that their specific needs are met.
  3. Real-time Problem Solving: During a product tour, users can ask questions and seek real-time clarification. This allows for immediate problem-solving and helps address any concerns or uncertainties the potential customers may have. Such interaction can build trust and confidence in your product, leading to higher conversion rates.
  4. Engagement and Retention: Product tours are inherently more engaging than video recordings, as they require active participation. This increased engagement helps hold the user’s attention throughout the demonstration, fostering better retention of information. By captivating the users and keeping them engaged, product tours have the potential to leave a lasting impact and increase the likelihood of a successful conversion.
  5. Visual Demonstration: A product tour delivers a visual demonstration that allows users to see the product in action. This visual representation not only helps convey the value and benefits of your product but also creates a memorable experience. You can make a stronger impression on potential customers by showcasing your product’s features, workflow, and user interface in a visually appealing manner.
  6. Personalized User Experience: With a product tour, you can create a personalized user experience by guiding users through specific features or scenarios that align with their needs. This level of personalization enhances the user’s overall satisfaction and adds a human touch to the interaction. By tailoring the tour to their requirements, you can showcase how your product can solve their unique challenges, increasing the chances of conversion.
  7. Analytics and Insights: Product tour platforms often provide in-depth analytics and insights into user behavior and engagement. This valuable data enables you to better understand how users interact with your product, which features generate the most interest, and where potential bottlenecks may occur. By leveraging these insights, you can continuously improve your product and optimize the tour experience for better conversions.

In conclusion, a product tour offers numerous benefits, making it an appealing choice for showcasing your product or service. Its interactive nature, customization options, real-time problem-solving capabilities, and visual demonstration make it a powerful tool for engaging potential customers. The personalized user experience, analytics, and insights obtained through product tours can help refine your offering and drive higher conversion rates. Consider implementing a product tour strategy to effectively demonstrate the value and benefits of your product to your target audience.

With Folio, you can transform your standard videos into interactive, guide-free product tours in minutes by simply capturing your screen recordings. Try building your first interactive demo with Folio's free plan and see the impact for yourself.

Benefits of a Video Recording

Businesses have two main options when showcasing a product or giving a demo: a live product tour or a recorded video. While both methods have their merits, using a video recording has several benefits, making it an attractive choice for many companies. Here are some key advantages to consider:

  1. Consistency: One of the primary benefits of using a video recording is consistency in the demonstration process. With a recorded video, you can ensure that each customer receives the same information and experiences the same level of detail, regardless of who is conducting the demo. This eliminates discrepancies and helps maintain a standardized demonstration across different sales professionals or customer interactions.
  2. Flexibility: Recording a product demo allows you to have more flexibility with scheduling and delivery. Rather than coordinating multiple live demonstrations, you can create a comprehensive video that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. This is particularly beneficial when dealing with customers in different time zones or for those who prefer to review the material at their convenience. Additionally, videos can be shared easily through various channels, such as email or social media, reaching a wider audience.
  3. Time efficiency: A recorded video provides a time-efficient solution for the business and the customer. Instead of allocating dedicated time slots for live demonstrations, customers can watch the video at their own pace, pausing, rewinding, or fast-forwarding as needed. This allows potential customers to absorb the information at their own speed and better understand the product’s features and benefits.
  4. Conservation of resources: A video recording can also help conserve valuable resources. Compared to live product tours, recorded videos require fewer resources, such as human effort, scheduling, and travel. Businesses can streamline their processes, reduce costs, and focus resources on other important tasks by eliminating the need for multiple live demonstrations. Additionally, videos can be easily updated or modified without extensive retraining or additional expenditures.
  5. Quality control: Another advantage of a video recording is the opportunity for quality control. Businesses can carefully craft a polished and professional presentation by pre-recording the demonstration. This allows companies to ensure that the demo effectively showcases the product’s key features and presents a consistent brand image. Any potential mistakes or errors can be edited or corrected before the video is available to customers.
  6. Analytics and insights: Businesses can gather valuable analytics and insights when using a video recording for product demonstrations. By tracking metrics such as view duration, click-through rates, or user engagement, companies can better understand customer behaviors and preferences. This data can then be used to optimize future demos or improve the overall marketing strategy.
  7. Accessibility: A video recording can make product demonstrations more accessible to a wider audience. By incorporating features such as closed captioning or translating the video into multiple languages, businesses can cater to diverse customer needs. This ensures that all potential customers have an equal opportunity to understand and engage with the product or service being showcased.

In conclusion, using a recorded video for product demos offers several benefits that can enhance the overall customer experience, streamline processes, save resources, and improve quality control. While live product tours have their place, a video recording provides consistency, flexibility, time efficiency, better resource allocation, quality control, valuable insights, and broader accessibility. Businesses should consider these advantages when deciding which method suits their demo needs.

Also read: Top SaaS Metrics You Should Track

Limitations of a Product Tour

While a product tour can be an effective way to showcase the features and functionality of a product, it does come with its limitations. Knowing these limitations is important before deciding if a product tour is the right approach for your demo. Some of the main limitations include:

  1. Lack of Interactivity: One of the key drawbacks of a product tour is the lack of interactivity. Unlike a video recording where viewers can pause, rewind, or fast-forward, a product tour is often a linear experience. This means that users may not have the flexibility to explore specific features or skip ahead if they are already familiar with the basic functionality. This lack of interactivity may limit users’ engagement and personalization levels.
  2. Difficulty in Revisiting Content: Once a product tour is completed, it may be challenging for users to revisit specific sections or features. Unlike a video recording that can be easily accessed and replayed at any time, a product tour might require users to go through the entire experience again to find the necessary information. This can be frustrating and time-consuming, especially for users looking for specific details or wanting to refresh their memory.
  3. Limited Context: A product tour often provides a high-level overview of the product’s features and benefits. While this can help give users a general understanding of what the product does, it may lack the depth and context that a video recording can provide. A video recording allows for a more comprehensive demonstration, showcasing how the product is used in real-life scenarios and providing more detailed explanations. This additional context can help users better understand the product’s value and how it can solve their needs.
  4. Inability to Address Individual Questions: During a product tour, users may have specific questions or concerns that are not addressed in the predetermined flow. Unlike a video recording where users can pause, rewind, or seek clarification, a product tour may not offer the same flexibility for individual exploration. This limitation can be particularly challenging for users looking for more in-depth information or having unique use cases that weren’t covered in the tour.
  5. Lack of Personalization: A product tour is typically designed to provide a broad overview of a product and its features, catering to a general audience. However, every user is unique, with different needs, preferences, and levels of expertise. A product tour may not allow for the same level of personalization and customization that a video recording can offer. Personalization can play a crucial role in engaging users and addressing their specific pain points, which may be difficult to achieve through a one-size-fits-all approach.
  6. Changes and Updates: Products constantly evolve, with new features and updates released regularly. A product tour might become outdated over time, especially if it doesn’t reflect the most recent version of the product. Unlike a video recording that can be edited and updated as needed, a product tour may require significant time and effort to revise and keep up-to-date. This limitation can make it challenging to maintain the information’s relevance and accuracy.

In summary, while a product tour can be useful for showcasing a product’s features and functionality, it has limitations. The lack of interactivity, difficulty in revisiting content, limited context, inability to address individual questions, lack of personalization, and potential for outdated information should be considered when deciding on the best approach for your demo. It’s important to weigh these limitations against the benefits of a product tour to determine if it’s the right fit for your audience and goals.

Limitations of a Video Recording

While video recordings can be valuable for demonstrating a product, they also come with limitations. Here are some of the key drawbacks to consider when deciding whether to use a video recording for your demo:

Lack of real-time interaction

One of the main limitations of a video recording is the lack of real-time interaction with the audience. Unlike a live product tour, where customers can ask questions and get immediate responses, a recorded video can only provide information that has been pre-recorded. This can make it challenging to address specific customer concerns or tailor the demo to meet individual needs.

Inability to respond to feedback

Another limitation of video recordings is that they cannot respond to audience feedback. During a live product tour, presenters can adapt their demonstration based on the reactions and comments from the audience. They can clarify any confusion, provide additional information, or address concerns. In contrast, a recorded video cannot dynamically respond to feedback, potentially leaving some viewers feeling frustrated or with unanswered questions.

Lack of personalization

A video recording may lack the personal touch and customization that a live product tour can offer. With a live demo, presenters can establish a rapport with the audience, adapt their delivery to resonate with specific individuals or groups and address their unique pain points. These personalized interactions are often impossible with a video recording, leading to a less tailored and engaging customer experience.

Limited flexibility for updates and changes

Once a video recording is created, any updates or changes to the product or messaging may require the production of a new video. This lack of flexibility can be a significant drawback, especially in fast-paced industries where products evolve rapidly. On the other hand, live product tours offer the advantage of incorporating real-time updates and changes effortlessly, ensuring that the demo is always up-to-date and relevant.

Potential for technical issues

Technical issues can arise with video recordings, impacting the overall viewing experience. Poor audio or video quality, buffering, or compatibility problems are just a few examples of technical issues that can occur. Such issues can frustrate viewers and diminish the effectiveness of the demo. In contrast, live product tours can address any technical problems in real time, ensuring a smooth and seamless experience for the audience.

Limited scope for improvisation and creativity

A video recording is a fixed and predetermined presentation, limiting opportunities for spontaneity, improvisation, and creativity. Live product tours allow presenters to think on their feet, adapt their approach based on audience reactions, and respond to unexpected questions or challenges. This level of flexibility can help create a more engaging and memorable experience for customers.

In summary, while video recordings are convenient and provide product demonstrations on-demand, they have several limitations. These include the lack of real-time interaction, inability to respond to feedback, limited personalization, limited flexibility for updates, potential for technical issues, and limited scope for improvisation and creativity. It is essential to weigh these limitations against the benefits to determine whether a video recording is the right choice for your demo or whether a live product tour would better meet your needs.

Factors to Consider

When you’re trying to choose between a product tour or a video recording for your demo, there are some crucial factors to consider. Both choices have advantages and disadvantages, and you can make an informed decision by understanding these factors. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

Audience Preferences

One of the most important factors to consider is the preferences of your target audience. Different individuals may have different preferences when it comes to receiving information. Some may prefer the interactive nature of a product tour, where they can actively engage with the features and functionalities of the product. Others may prefer the convenience and accessibility of a video recording, which allows them to watch the demo at their own pace and convenience. Understanding your audience’s preferences can help you determine which option is the best fit for them.

The complexity of the product

The complexity of your product is another factor to consider. If your product is simple, a video recording may sufficiently showcase its key features and benefits. On the other hand, if your product is more complex and requires a more detailed explanation, a product tour may be a better choice. A product tour can provide a step-by-step walkthrough of the product, allowing users to fully understand its functionality and how to use it effectively.

Interactive Elements

Consider whether your product has interactive elements that enhance the user experience. For example, a product tour may be the better option if your product has interactive simulations, quizzes, or other engaging features. These interactive elements can provide a more immersive and engaging experience for the user, allowing them to truly experience the product in action. On the other hand, if your product lacks interactive elements, a video recording may be more suitable as it can present the information straightforwardly and concisely.

Update Frequency

Think about how frequently your product undergoes updates or changes. If your product is constantly evolving, a video recording may quickly become outdated, requiring you to continuously create new recordings to keep up with the changes. In such cases, a product tour may be a better option as it can be easily updated to reflect the latest features and improvements. On the other hand, if your product remains relatively stable over time, a video recording can be a more efficient and cost-effective solution.

Budget and Resources

Consider your budget and available resources. Creating a professional-quality video recording may require investing in video equipment, editing software, and possibly hiring professionals to handle the recording and editing process. On the other hand, product tours can be created using various tools, from simple slideshow software to comprehensive product tour platforms. Evaluating your budget and available resources can help you determine which option best fits your limitations and constraints.

Access and Distribution

Think about how you plan to make your demo available to your audience. If you want to provide easy access to your demo on your website or through email campaigns, a video recording may be the better choice. Video recordings can be easily uploaded to platforms like YouTube or Vimeo, allowing users to watch them conveniently. If you want to offer a customized and engaging demonstration of your product, consider embedding a product tour on your website or sharing it through personalized emails. This will provide a more personalized experience for your users.

Considering these factors will help you decide whether a product tour or a video recording is the right choice for showcasing your demo. Ultimately, it’s important to choose the option that aligns best with your audience’s preferences, the complexity of your product, the presence of interactive elements, update frequency, budget, and resources, and the access and distribution requirements for your demo.


Choosing between a product tour and a video recording for your demo depends on several factors and considerations. Both options have advantages and drawbacks, and it’s important to carefully evaluate them based on your needs and goals.

If you are looking for a more interactive and personalized experience, a product tour might be your better choice. It allows you to demonstrate the functionality of your product in real time, engage with your audience, and address any questions or concerns they may have. Additionally, a live product tour allows you to showcase the value and benefits of your product dynamically and engagingly.

On the other hand, video recordings offer certain benefits that a product tour may not provide. They allow you to have a pre-recorded demo that a wider audience can easily share and access. This can be particularly useful if you have a large number of potential customers or if you want your demo to be available on demand. Video recordings are also easily editable, allowing you to create a polished and refined demo.

When deciding, it’s crucial to consider your target audience and their preferences. Some customers may prefer a product tour’s live and interactive nature, while others may prefer the convenience of a pre-recorded video. Conducting research or seeking feedback from your customer base can help inform your decision.

Another factor to consider is the complexity and depth of your product. A video recording might be sufficient if your product is relatively simple and can be easily explained in a short video. However, if your product is more complex, a product tour may be necessary to effectively showcase its features and functionality.

When deciding between a product tour or video recordings, it’s important to consider cost and resources. Conducting a product tour may require extra staff or resources to manage while recording a video can often be done with minimal investment. Take your budget and available resources into account before making a decision.

Ultimately, the best option for your demo will depend on your specific circumstances, goals, and the preferences of your target audience. Exploring both options and determining which one aligns better with your objectives and resources may be beneficial.

Remember, the goal of your demo is to effectively communicate the value and benefits of your product to potential customers. Whether you choose a product tour or a video recording, make sure your demo is engaging, informative, and tailored to the needs of your audience.

Relying solely on videos limits your prospects' ability to fully experience your product. With Folio interactive demo software, you can give prospects complete control over their experience by progressing at their own pace and focusing on the flows and features that interest them. Folio makes it simple to build product tours in minutes using screen captures, with tools for customizing, annotating, and guiding your viewers. Try creating an impactful product tour for your prospects by starting a free Folio account today

Cover Photo by Maxim Tolchinskiy on Unsplash

Folio 2.0 - Transform your product demos into immersive experiences | Product Hunt

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