May 5, 2023

8 Tips for Making Your Product Walkthrough Engaging and Effective

As a SaaS company, creating informative and compelling product demos is crucial for engaging new users and customers. A successful product walkthrough helps viewers understand how your software can benefit them and simplify their lives. Here are ten tips for making your product walkthroughs engaging and effective. Focus on key features. Don't try to demo the entire product. Identify the 3-5 most important and valuable features to highlight. Viewers have short attention spans, so keep the walkthrough concise.Most SaaS products have dozens or even hundreds of features, but attempting to showcase them all in a single product walkthrough will only confuse and overwhelm your viewers. Select a curated set of key features that provide the most value and benefit. For example, this could include integrated email marketing, customizable workflows, real-time analytics, file collaboration, and automatic time-saving automation.

Use a conversational and friendly tone.

Treat your viewers as if you're speaking to friends or colleagues. An informal, helpful tone will make the information more accessible and enjoyable.Your product walkthroughs should have a warm, personable quality to them. Speak naturally as if talking to people you know and care about helping. Make eye contact with the camera and use hand gestures to emphasize important points, just like in person. An informal, casual cadence will resonate more with audiences than a stiff, forced presentation style.

Include clear visuals.

Demonstrate features via screen sharing, graphics, mockups, or UI recordings. Viewers must see the interface and flow in action to truly understand how the tool works.Visual content is essential for helping viewers comprehend how your software works. They need to see the interface, layouts, workflows, and key features in action to grasp the concepts you discuss verbally. At a minimum, include screen sharing of your actual product interface. This allows you to navigate and demonstrate features live as you explain them.You can also incorporate graphics like wireframes, mockups, prototypes, or workflow diagrams. These static images provide an overview of how interface elements are structured and interrelate when used. Viewers will develop a mental model of the product's functions based on the visuals you include.

Highlight time-saving benefits.

Emphasize how your product can save time, reduce hassle, increase productivity, and help users achieve more. People choose tools that will simplify and improve their lives.Time is precious, and people are always seeking ways to gain more. Discuss how your product automates repetitive and manual tasks, reduces friction, streamlines workflows, and frees up attention and mental energy for high-priority and meaningful work.Speak to the specific minutes, hours, or days per week your solution can save regular users based on their roles and responsibilities. Concrete examples and statistics will convince viewers of the potentially life-changing impact.

Keep it concise.

Aim for 3 to 5 minutes in length for the maximum attention span. Shorter product demos and walkthroughs are more digestible and will retain viewers' interest. Get to the point quickly while still being thorough.In the digital age, people have almost unlimited options for content consumption. Audiences have short attention spans and will quickly move on to another video or piece of information if yours fails to captivate them in the first few minutes. Aim for walkthroughs in the 3 to 5-minute length range to maximize engagement and ensure your key messages are absorbed.

Include call-to-actions.

End the product walkthrough with a strong CTA that encourages the viewer to take the next step, e.g., requesting a free demo, starting a free trial, or purchasing a subscription. CTAs keep the momentum going.A call-to-action or CTA is crucial for converting walkthrough viewers into lead prospects or customers. End your content with a clear directive that prompts viewers to take further action, such as requesting a demo, starting a free trial, subscribing to a paid plan, or contacting sales. Successfully completing this next step brings the viewer closer to becoming a loyal customer.

Test and optimize.

Get feedback from your team and real users to identify any areas for improvement. Viewers may have questions you didn't anticipate or need clarification on certain sections. So it's crucial to incorporate feedback into revised product walkthroughs.Even with careful planning and practice, there is no "perfect" product walkthrough. Views, feedback, questions, and metrics will inevitably surface opportunities for optimizing educational content to serve audiences better. Testing walkthroughs with internal team members and real viewers is key to ongoing improvement.With consistent testing and iteration, your product walkthroughs will get stronger and stronger over time. The key is continuing to incorporate feedback and insights at every step.

Promote your product walkthroughs.

Raise awareness of your educational content through email marketing, social media, product listings, and search engine optimization. Help new potential customers discover how your product can streamline their day-to-day workflows. Promotion and optimization are key to increasing views and driving more lead generation and sales from your product walkthroughs. Raise awareness of this valuable educational resource across channels where your target audiences spend their time.

Bonus: Use Folio

We've made an all-in-one storytelling tool if you're looking for an easy way to craft engaging product demos, walkthroughs, tutorials, and more. Folio makes importing media, adding interactive elements, including calls-to-action, and publishing to your favorite platforms simple. Our interactive demo tool is perfect for any individual, small team, or startup looking to develop a product walkthrough strategy. Click here to start using Folio for free.


In summary, a well-designed and engaging product walkthrough can transform simple demo experiences into real opportunities for customer connection, education, and conversion.By sharing your passion, telling your product's story, actively engaging your viewers, and encouraging dialogue, you can bring them along on a journey that inspires them to take action as your next great customer.A product walkthrough should feel like a collaborative partnership and conversation, not just a one-way presentation. Leave them wanting more—and be ready to use your product today!

Cover Image: Unsplash

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